I need help about my master’s thesis, doctoral thesis, project, homework, paper, presentation, etc.
I need the analysis of the data I collected or my analysis to be reviewed.
I need help about my master’s thesis, doctoral thesis, project, homework, paper, presentation, etc.
I need the analysis of the data I collected or my analysis to be reviewed.
Editing consists of checking whether a text has been written in compliance with grammar, orthography and spelling rules, identifying semantic errors in the sentences, and making necessary changes and corrections without compromising the textual integrity. Editing must be done by the people who are specialized in the is not a website for writing down your thesis. We act in strict compliance with laws and ethical principles. provides editing, revision, proofreading, improvement, development and final reading services for academic texts in accordance with scientific, academic and ethical rules and principles. You can contact our Thesis Editing Center operating in Ankara to benefit from our swift and quality services. We also provide article editing services for academic journals in Turkey and abroad.
Your academic texts are examined and errors in it are corrected.
It is the act of putting your academic work into the required format.
Your academic texts are developed further to attain perfection.
Doing master’s or doctoral degree requires special time allocated to it. Those who do master’s or doctoral degree have to face serious time pressures and workloads if they are doing it in addition to their regular jobs.We offer you opportunities which will decrease your workload. We edit and revise your final draft to make sure that your work is not rejected due to spelling and grammar errors.
Writing a textbook, novel or developing a game entails serious labor invested in it. The compliance of the final product with linguistic and formal requirements is what complements the work.Publishers are keen on accepting books written in compliance with their formatting requirements. Not everyone is capable of complying with these requirements which are of technical nature. If you work with us, we can adapt your books to comply with the required formatting and correct the errors you may miss.
You can use our editing services to make the content of your website more impressive and your blog posts error-free. We can make suggestions about the content of your website.By using our editing services, you can make sure that the errors in your texts are corrected and you can post texts free from errors. We can edit the texts you will publish on your website. You can send your texts to us before publication to ensure error-free publication.
In your research, you are expected to analyze the data you have collected and arrive at a conclusion based on this analysis. To obtain correct results, the relevant research methods and techniques should be implemented correctly and in full. Depending on whether the data in your research are quantitative or qualitative, tests such as content analysis, factor analysis, etc., should be conducted.Analysis of the data collected in your research demands technical expertise. In the first place, the data collected should be entered on the statistical software program which will be used for analysis. Then, the analysis conducted should be interpreted and comparisons with similar research should be performed and recommendations based on the results should be made. You can use our data analysis services by visiting We provide analysis services you need using SPSS, LISREL, Amos or other statistical software.
Everything is given in detail in thesis preparation guides. With our academic experience, we adopt an integrated approach to your work. In this context, we ensure the harmonization of headings with the table of contents, check whether all your resources are given in the references, remove redundant resources from the references, add missing resources to the references, ensure that the references are properly formatted, edit the headings in compliance with the guide, create the table of contents automatically, and perform other services.Even if you are versed in technical matters, thesis editing is a time-consuming task. We can step in and help you if you cannot allocate time to editing your work. With our thesis editing services, we can help you see the big picture and focus on your final goal. It is the act of putting your academic work into the required format. Do not worry if you thesis is rejected by your institute after passing the thesis defense. We can edit your thesis and send it back to you in 1-3 days.
The frequently asked questions from our clients are answered below.You can contact us if you have other questions.
We offer services for editing your work in compliance with the requirements, finding and correcting your errors and further developing your work.
We provide services for the texts which require academic expertise such as doctoral thesis, master’s thesis, project homework for master’s degree, articles and papers. We have academic expertise and experience in editing academic texts.
After you make your request, we examine it and get back to you. Based on the information you provide, we inform you about the price and deadline for completion. The work starts after you make the advance payment.
The price is calculated based on the type and difficulty of the work and the deadline for completion.
The price quoted will not change except for an unforeseen situation. Your additional demands will increase the price while the price will decrease if you withdraw your unfinished demands.
Upon completion of the work, we send you a detailed report showing the work done on the file.